Kamis, 24 September 2009

Martyy, Party Martyy

It starts when my friend gave me a link about love drunk video. She knews that iam a fan of ashley tisdale so she just gave me the link couse she was on the vid.
LOVE DRUNK is the name of the album from BOYS LIKE GIRLS. And that's the single of the album.
She tells me all about martin and gave me some pics..then it succsesful made me fallin in love with Martin!!
160909 baby! Hahaha

Looks like Rafi got brand new crush,hahaha and how about KP?
Both are from Boston,
Both are lead singer from a rock band
Both are HOT
Both have the sexiest voice ever.

Okay.. Everytime,everyday since 16, iam always daydreaming about Martin..thinking about he and and I heading to somewhere romantic and its only between 2 of us wakakak
(Definately I was daydreaming about mitchel musso that he could be my big brother haha)

Awww its okay K..wherever me and martin 're always in my heart hahaha

Oh my hilton got the biggest boobs could it be if it will be explode? -____- (?)

Okay forget about P.
I'll be back with my Martin! Hehe


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